An Introduction

It’s been about three months since I created this blog and I found myself putting off uploading any content because I just couldn’t guarantee that I could stay consistent. Meanwhile, I discover all these amazing bloggers who posted weekly or even (gasp) twice a week and I read their seemingly insightful expressions and wistfully dream of becoming an eloquent, aesthetic comrade. I’d like to stop dreaming — it’s time to begin doing.

But then I sit down and realize that I don’t even know where to begin. If my life were a movie, you- my audience- would be dropped smack dab in the middle and that hardly seems fair (nor does it encourage continued readership if I only inspire confusion) so an introduction is in order.

I’m 22, female, living in the bible belt, currently residing in the house where I spent my childhood (but hoping to move out in the next month) with my dog, Sammy (aka Samster, Sam-a-lam, Sam, Sweetie, I-Can’t-Believe-You-Peed-On-My-Stuff-You-Jerk, etc.), my mother and my step-father. I have one sister who is married to a pretty decent guy, and a dad. I have more “best friends” than I believe you’re technically allowed, but they’re all brilliant people so I’m not making any cuts and if I get married with the biggest wedding party ever seen then I win. Life’s a competition, right?

I graduated with a double major in French and Global Studies back in May (2013) and I’m still looking for a job (shocker, I know). Fortunately, I still have my part time waitressing job from college. Unfortunately, my lack of office experience renders me ineligible for most entry-level jobs (enter frustrated expletive here). Oh, also I have no idea what I want to do with my life, so I guess that’s a problem.

Every article I’ve seen about creating a successful blog ( has some really fantastic advice on this) says that you should list goals for what you want your blog to be, so here’s mine: I want to catalogue my life as an unemployed recent college graduate, I want to talk about the things that I love, like, appreciate and detest, I want to be persistent, I want to connect with others.

Challenge Accepted.

— Laura
